Southern Ontario Wetland Conversion Analysis
Although wetlands are being restored and protected on the southern Ontario landscape, the trend of wetland loss continues. In order to assess the status of wetlands and enhance our understanding of the impacts of human activities on wetlands, as well as the effectiveness of stewardship efforts within the Great Lakes Basin and across Southern Ontario, we need to understand wetland distribution, conversion rates and trends over time.
[full report] Creating Linkages
A quick guide to assessing and creating linkages for protected area practitioners published by The Nature Conservancy, the Convention On Biological Diversity and the Wildlife Conservation Society
[more] Grey Jays and Highways
An Oecologia research paper: Contrasting patterns of survival and dispersal in multiple habitats reveal an ecological trap in a food-caching bird by D. Ryan Norris, Dan Strickland and D. T. Tyler Flockhart
[more] Eastern Wolf Survey
The Eastern Wolf Survey is a research project being conducted by Dr. Linda Rutledge and Dr. Bradley White at Trent University with the support and co-operation of Ontario Parks, Mountain Equipment Co-Op, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy of Canada, the Algonquin to Adirondacks Collaborative (then Conservation Association), and the Natural Resources DNA Profiling & Forensic Centre at Trent University.
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